Join Us
What our students say...
Sequim Bay State Park

Fr. David with some of the children in a St. Pontiano classroom

By joining the FECU organization you significantly contribute to meeting the immediate education needs of the underprivileged children, as well as to paving the way to their economic future. Be assured that your generous donation will go a long way in changing their fate in society. It’s a gift for tomorrow!


  • Become a member: Paying an annual fee of $25 will entitle you to become a permanent member.

  • Make a donation to the FECU, to carry on with its various activities.

  • Sponsor a child in high school, by giving a contribution of $25.00 per month; or a lump sum of $300.00 a year for her/his tuition and boarding fees. Contact us for more details on this.


* Please select the link below for an Adobe Acrobat form.

Membership and Donation Card Form


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